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Asked Questions

How long until I get a reply?

We are pretty quick. You'll typically hear back from us within 1-2 business days!

Where can I find information about your pricing?

Head over to our Pricing page to learn more about how much we charge. We aren't the most expensive, but we're not the least expensive. We think of ourselves as a great value play with top notch quality at a price businesses can afford.

What happens after reaching out?

After you reach out to us, we will follow up by email within 1-2 business days and ask for specific details about your product. Once we've learned enough about your goals for the product and met your team, we'll generate a custom proposal and timeline for your business.

Do you accept handoffs from prior developers?

Yes, we are willing to work with your existing technology. We will also help you evaluate and understand it's current condition and suggest the best path forwards based on 30+ product takeovers.